Hmmm. Ever wondered what “Liar, liar, pants on fire” is in Dutch or maybe “My mouth is watering looking at those yummy waffles?” Let’s take a peek at some intriguing Dutch phrases and words:
1. Toiletbril🚽
No, don’t worry! Nobody is watching you there. It is the Dutch word for a toilet seat.
2. Het water loopt me in de mond
Literally, it would mean that water is walking in the mouth, but this is something you use when you see a delicious pastry and then start craving. Thus, the Dutch phrase for my mouth is watering. Mmmm….. lekker!
3. Zoetekauwen
Used when you are crazy about sweets and you can’t do without them. You got it right – it means to have a sweet tooth.
4. Klikspaan, boterspaan,
     je mag niet door m’n straatje gaan,
    ‘t hondje zal je bijten,
    ‘t katje zal je krabbelen,
    dat komt van al je babbelen.
A very famous nursery rhyme used for people who gossip and tell on someone or spill the beans about something which is not necessarily true. Can be related to the English “Liar, liar, pants on fire.”
5. Het regent pijpenstelen☔
This phrase is equivalent to the English “It’s raining cats and dogs.” Pijpenstelen literally means the stem of a pipe and it’s origin relates to smoking, especially De Goudse pijp which was straight, long and thin.
6. Geen haar op mijn hoofd die eraan denkt
Literally, it means “No hair on my head that thinks of it.” ? However, this is used in contexts when you do not agree to something or even when you do not imagine something in your wildest dreams.
7. Lanterfanter🤪🛌
The Dutch word for lazybones. Apparently, a “Lanterfanter” festival which involves music, adventures, enjoying the summers and food is a perfect laid-back vacation.
8. Als de kat van huis is, dansen de muizen op tafel🐈🐀
When the cat’s away, the mice will play. This is used when a person in charge is absent and the subordinates or others start behaving badly.
9. Nu komt de aap uit de mouw🐒
This is said when the truth comes to the fore or when someone starts showing their true colours.
10. Met de mond vol tanden staan😱
Don’t worry! You can use this even when you grow old and have no teeth. This expression means to be speechless and when your jaw drops or to be dumbfounded.
11. Alsof er een engeltje over je tong piest🥵🥶
Now, an angel is not peeing on your tongue! This is used when you found something extremely delicious and lip-smacking.😋
12. Joost mag het weten🙏
Only God knows! A day-to-day phrase used when you have absolutely no clue about something.
13. Wie voor een dubbeltje geboren is, wordt nooit een kwartje
An apt definition in English “Born poor, die poor!”
14. Een olifantshuid hebben🐘
This is what most of us should do when we are surrounded by irritating people who can only look down upon us. To be thick-skinned. 😎
15. Over koetjes en kalfjes praten🐄
Something that most of us like to do! 😉 To gossip and talk about immaterial things.

Richa Gujarathi

Richa Gujarathi

The Dutch Door®

We are recommended by the Dutch Consulate and Embassy in India, and, however not affiliated with any other language institutes in Pune or Mumbai.